Frequently asked questions

1.) Will it be possible to cite accepted papers/abstracts at MIDL?

Accepted papers and abstracts will remain visible on the website and it will be clear if the paper was accepted for oral or for poster. Authors are free to post their work accepted at MIDL on arXiv (or another preprint server) and the work can be cited as such. Note that arXiv allows referring to the comments provided during the MIDL review process. Citations of the papers available on arXiv are found by Google Scholar.

2.) Will it be possible to submit papers accepted at MIDL elsewhere without further extension?

MIDL allows the authors of the work presented at MIDL to submit their work to a journal or another conference. Copyright will remain with the authors.

3.) Will the work submitted to MIDL remain on website?

Authors will be able to remove their papers and abstracts rejected at MIDL from the website. The authors of the papers accepted at MIDL will have to request removing of their papers. This will be done only when MIDL organizers agree that it is needed for further publishing of the submitted work (please see Q2), for example when a journal does not allow the use of pre-print servers.

4.) Should the three-page abstract also include the references/figures within the three pages

Yes, for abstracts we have a strict three page limit, which should also include all references and figures. You are allowed to abbreviate references in case of long author lists (e.g. First Author, Second Author, Third Author, et al.)

5.) Should the author names and affiliation be on the papers and abstracts?

Yes, MIDL peer-review is single-blind, thus the reviewers will be anonymous but the authors should identify themselves on the paper. You should use \usepackage[final]{midl_2018} when using the Latex style file to have author information show up on the final PDF.

6.) Should extended abstracts be structured as full papers?

Yes, please structure your extended abstract as you would a paper. Please also include a short abstract of the work (no word count limit).

7.) Is there an official rebuttal phase?

No, there is no official rebuttal phase.

Authors may comment their reviews and the reviewers may respond only after the review deadline. Note however that the comments will not affect the decision about the paper unless we feel that the author points out a flaw in the review that would significantly alter the assessment.